Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Highlight of the day

Originally uploaded by Gavin Anderson.
Highlight of the day so far (haven`t landed yet), at Sydney I was selected for a ramdom (extra) security search. I didn`t think I looked that suspious. I put it down to not having liquids or perhaps taking to long to pack my bag after the initial search (or maybe it was the lack of sleep).
Love Gavin

Enterainment Pack

Originally uploaded by Gavin Anderson.
On board was a portable player. We had a choice of a lot of crap TV shows and movies. I selected the best, the fastest indian. Erik chose The night at the museum (seen it).

Plan ahead

Originally uploaded by Gavin Anderson.
Next time you fly, you should allow for which side has the sun rise or setting. Melbourne to Sydney had a window seat (Erik) but on the west side so we missed the sun rise. Sydney to Osaka we were in the middle row (must try harder next time when the Jetstar web site runs slow). We glimised a magnificant orange glow across the horizon but that was it.

Love Gavin

Travelling to Osaka - 31/3/07

Originally uploaded by Gavin Anderson.
Official wake up time 2.30am, actual more like 12.30 am (plus 5 minute sleep on the plane).

A Japanese woman on the plane is looking after 2 children,a 23 month and a 9 month, on her own. She is doing remarkablely well. The youngest falls over every half hour and cries for 10 seconds then stops.

Sorry for not blogging, I will to add more short entries.

Love Gavin